Friday, September 19, 2008

Get the Butt in Gear

I had a request for some butt and thigh exercises, thanks PJ. You can do these at home, or the gym, or outside….pretty much where ever you want to. Make sure that you have some kind of weight. A gallon jug or some kind of free weight is just fine.

Do all these in sets of 10:
Prisoner squats
Forward lunge Right Leg
Forward lunge Left Leg
Backwards lunge RL
Backwards lunge LL
Lateral lunge alternating sides
Walk it out (walk or jog around your house, gym, outside for about 30-60 meters)

On all fours:
Fire hydrants RL
Fire hydrants LL
Scorpion’s (Foot and head try to touch) RL
Scorpion’s LL

Now with weight, Hold weight above head and keep arms as straight as possible. Make sure you tighten your abs the entire time. This will also take some balance. Don’t give up.
Prisoner squats 1 x 10
Forward lunge Right Leg 1 x 10
Forward lunge Left Leg 1 x 10
Backwards lunge RL 1x 10
Backwards lunge LL 1 x 10
Lateral lunge alternating sides 20 total
Walk it out (walk or jog around your house, gym, outside for about 30-60 meters)

Repeat On all Fours series as well. Then finish with 150 abs and 30 push ups. Start with 50 abs of your choice and 10 modified push ups x 3. And don’t forget to stretch.

Have fun! Let me know if you liked this one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You must have seen a picture of me and said, "Dang that girl needs a lower body workout." Thanks, I will start using this one.